Siri, che cos’è la linguistica computazionale?

Nel mondo di oggi ci aspettiamo che le macchine che usiamo quotidianamente capiscano la nostra lingua. Lo studio scientifico del linguaggio, quindi, diventa essenziale per lo sviluppo di una tecnologia sempre più “user-friendly”, per un’interazione uomo-macchina semplice ed intuitiva.
Ma come si studia il linguaggio? Quali sono le componenti osservabili della lingua, e cosa c’entra la grammatica? Come parliamo con i computer?
Usiamo puzzle e giochi per guidarvi alla scoperta dei problemi principali della linguistica e delle sue applicazioni computazionali: da problemi concreti – come la codifica di suoni e caratteri – fino a riflessioni teoriche sulla rappresentazione del significato linguistico e sulla sua importanza per l’intelligenza artificiale.

Questo laboratorio è stato proposto qui:

Tutti i materiali di questo laboratorio sono open source e reperibili a bitbucket

By |2024-05-21T18:47:18+02:0021 May, 2024|BLOG, LABORATORY, POP|

New book by Alessandro Lenci and Magnus Sahlgren published

Authors: Alessandro Lenci and Magnus Sahlgren
Title: Distributional Semantics (Studies in Natural Language Processing)
Editor: Cambridge University Press
Accces to book: here>

Distributional semantics develops theories and methods to represent the meaning of natural language expressions, with vectors encoding their statistical distribution in linguistic contexts. It is at once a theoretical model to express meaning, a practical methodology to construct semantic representations, a computational framework for acquiring meaning from language data, and a cognitive hypothesis about the role of language usage in shaping meaning.

This book aims to build a common understanding of the theoretical and methodological foundations of distributional semantics. Beginning with its historical origins, the text exemplifies how the distributional approach is implemented in distributional semantic models. The main types of computational models, including modern deep learning ones, are described and evaluated, demonstrating how various types of semantic issues are addressed by those models. Open problems and challenges are also analyzed. Students and researchers in natural language processing, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science will appreciate this book.

By |2023-09-28T14:21:34+02:0025 Sep, 2023|NEWS, POP, PUBLICATIONS|

The Language of Siri

In October 2020, the 18th edition of the Genova Popular Science Festival took place. In the context of this event, AILC presented on 22 and 23 October the dissemination workshop “Il linguaggio di Siri” (The language of Siri).

The activities presented aimed at introducing high school students to (computational) linguistics. The workshop focused on highlighting possibilities and limits of the computational representation and analysis of language, with interactive games, quizes, and concrete examples of computational modeling of linguistic problems.

The (online) workshop was attended by 5 classes from high schools from Genoa and its surroundings, for a total of about 150 people, including students and teachers. The feedback received will allow us to bring our scientific dissemination activities to a level that is increasingly suited to the needs and interests of students in the future.

The workshop was created by Ludovica Pannitto, Lucia Busso, Claudia Roberta Combei, Mirko Lai, Lucio Messina, and Malvina Nissim.

For a detailed analysis of the themes presented at the Festival, please refer to these slides (in Italian).

By |2020-10-27T11:37:47+01:0029 Apr, 2023|NEWS, POP NEWS|

New book by Fabio Tamburini published

Author: Fabio Tamburini
Title: Neural Models for the Automatic Processing of Italian
Editor: Pàtron editore
Access to book: here>

The volume reports the author’s research experiences and experiments in developing solutions in the various areas of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing. The book focuses mainly on applications based on Deep Neural Networks, but contrasting these approaches with the methodologies used in the past, and it is organised in such a way as to both describe the state of the art in this discipline, examining the studies proposed by the author, and to outline a useful path also for the training of young scholars and students. Following the same spirit, the volume can be profitably read both by people more concentrated on humanistic studies and people with more technical interests.

By |2023-09-28T14:33:31+02:0028 Oct, 2022|NEWS, POP, PUBLICATIONS|

New book by Malvina Nissim and Ludovica Pannitto published

Author: Malvina Nissim and Ludovica Pannitto
Title: Che cos’è la linguistica computazionale / What is Computational Linguistics
Editor: Carocci
Access to boook: here>

Commonly used devices, such as virtual assistants and automatic translators, are based on the ability to use and produce language automatically. The key science in the development of such technologies is computational linguistics.

The volume, through the analysis of the most recent theories and methods, offers to interested readers and scholars technical and critical tools to approach the discipline. The understanding of the functioning and limits of language technologies constitutes, in fact, the basis for greater awareness in their daily use, reminding us that we humans are not only the recipients but, by creating linguistic data, also the protagonists of the development process of technologies.

By |2023-09-28T14:31:12+02:001 Aug, 2022|NEWS, POP, PUBLICATIONS|

È Dante o non è Dante? Questo è il problema

Dante e intelligenza artificiale:  li avete mai pensati insieme? In questo laboratorio avrete la possibilità di avvicinarvi alle Digital Humanities e alla Linguistica Computazionale giocando con il risultato di modelli automatici per la generazione del linguaggio, che proveranno a imitare lo stile del Sommo Poeta. Riuscirete a distinguere il Dante vero dal Dante robotico, o cadrete nell’inganno?

Questo laboratorio è stato realizzato in collaborazione con AIUCD

Questo laboratorio è stato proposto qui:

By |2024-05-21T18:54:17+02:0021 Oct, 2021|BLOG, LABORATORY, POP|

Ma un computer mi capisce? Cos’è e a cosa serve la Linguistica Computazionale

Strumenti basati sull’elaborazione del linguaggio naturale e sull’intelligenza artificiale, quali sistemi di raccomandazione sui social media, traduttori automatici, e assistenti vocali, fanno ormai parte della nostra vita quotidiana, sia in ambito personale che in ambito lavorativo.

Queste tecnologie si basano sulla rappresentazione di conoscenza linguistica, l’oggetto di ricerca di cui si occupa una disciplina spesso poco conosciuta al di fuori del ristretto ambito specialistico: la Linguistica Computazionale.

Quanto più tali strumenti sono pervasivi, tanto più li diamo per scontati, senza chiederci come siano stati creati, come precisamente funzionino, e, soprattutto, quali possano essere le conseguenze del loro utilizzo massiccio, diffuso, e largamente inconsapevole. piu info qui.

Ludovica Pannitto, Università degli Studi di Trento

Malvina Nissim, Università degli Studi di Trento

By |2024-07-22T22:15:14+02:0021 May, 2021|BLOG, POP, SEMINARS|
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