• Lungomare Bari
  • Il palazzo dell'Ateneo dell'Università di Bari, in piazza Umberto I
  • Palazzo del Dipartimento di Informatica della Facoltà di Scienze MM. FF. NN. nel campus dell'Università di Bari
Lungomare di Bari: Di Hagai Agmon-Snir – Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0Il palazzo dell’Ateneo dell’Università di Bari Aldo Moro: Di Augusto Aulenta – Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0  – Palazzo del Dipartimento di Informatica della Facoltà di Scienze MM. FF. NN. nel campus dell’Università di Bari: Di Daniele Agnelli from Bari, Italia – cloudy dib, CC BY-SA 2.0

Lectures on Computational Linguistics 2024

Bari, June 19th-21th 2024 · Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro
June 19th: Aula 2, Palazzo delle Aule, CAMPUS
June 20th-21th: Aula C, Palazzo Ateneo

Supported by:


ectures on Computational Linguistics are a scientific event of the Italian Association of Computational Linguistics (AILC) dedicated to the central themes of this research area.

The 2024 edition is organized by AILC, in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Humanistic Research and Innovation of the University of Bari Aldo Moro.

The interdisciplinary nature of the school crosses two main areas: the humanistic one, characterized by the themes of theoretical and applied linguistics and investigations relating to Digital Humanities, and the scientific one, linked to the themes of IT, with particular reference to Artificial Intelligence.

The program will include tutorials, workshops and evening seminars that will present interesting industry challenges.

The school is mainly aimed at doctoral and master’s degree students, although a minimum qualification is not required for access. Participation is free, but requires registration >

Student’s Presentation

Students are invited to present their ongoing research during two Student Sessions. Interested participants are required to submit a 500-word abstract in English to ailc.lectures@gmail.com by May 20th (3 min. + poster)

Applications will be reviewed by a panel and not ifications will be sent by June 3rd, 2024.


Wednesday, June 19th 2024

  • 9:00– 9:30: Welcome and opening
  • 9:30 – 11:30: Tutorial 1 (part 1)Introduction to Large Language ModelsAndrey Kutuzov, Language Technology Group, University of Oslo
  • 11:30 – 12:00: BREAK
  • 12:00 – 13:30: Student session
  • 13:30 – 15:00: LUNCH
  • 15:00 – 17:00: Tutorial 1 (part 2)Introduction to Large Language ModelsAndrey Kutuzov, Language Technology Group, University of Oslo
  • 17:00 – 17:30: BREAK
  • 17:30 – 18:30: Evening lecture – Computational Linguistics and Digital Humanities – Maristella Gatto – University of Bari Aldo Moro
  • 19:30: Welcome drink

Thursday, June 20th 2024

  • 9:00 – 11:00: Tutorial 2Computational methods for lexical semantic change detectionNina Tahmasebi, University of Gothenburg
  • 11:00 – 11:30: BREAK
  • 11:30 – 13:30: Lab. 1 (part 1)Hands-on Large Language ModelsMarco Polignano & Lucia Siciliani, University of Bari Aldo Moro
  • 13:30 – 15:00: LUNCH
  • 15:00 – 17:00: Lab. 1 (part 2)Hands-on Large Language ModelsMarco Polignano & Lucia Siciliani, University of Bari Aldo Moro
  • 17:00 – 17:30: BREAK
  • 17:30 – 18:30: Evening lecturec – LLaMAntino: a family of large language models for Italian and its applications – Pierpaolo Basile, Marco de Gemmis, Elio Musacchio, Marco Polignano, Lucia Siciliani – University of Bari Aldo Moro
  • 19:00: Tour of the Old Town and dinner with typical food

Friday, June 21th 2024

  • 9:00 – 11:00: Tutorial 3Cognitive evaluations of large language models: the do’s and the don’ts Anna Ivanova, School of Psychology, Georgia Tech
  • 11:00 – 11:30: BREAK
  • 11:30 – 13:00: Student session
  • 13:00 – 14:00: LUNCH
  • 14:00 – 16:00: Lab 2Lab. Computational methods for lexical semantic change detectionPierluigi Cassotti, University of Gothenburg


The school is mainly aimed at doctoral and master’s degree students, although a minimum qualification is not required for access. Participation is free, but requires registration >

Scientific Committee

Pierpaolo Basile (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro)
Raffaella Bernardi (Università di Trento)
Tommaso Caselli (Università di Groningen)
Felice Dell’Orletta (Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale CNR – Pisa)
Elisabetta Jezek (Università di Pavia)

Local Organisers

Pierpaolo Basile (Dipartimento di Informatica, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro)
Marco de Gemmis (Dipartimento di Informatica, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro)
Maristella Gatto (Dipartimento di Ricerca e Innovazione Umanistica, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro)
Olimpia Imperio (Coordinatore del Dottorato in Lettere, Lingue e Arti, Dipartimento di Ricerca e Innovazione Umanistica, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro)


Lucia Siciliani (Dipartimento di Informatica, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro)

Contact: ailc.lectures@gmail.com

Supported by the Future Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR) project:

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