About Bernardo Magnini

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So far Bernardo Magnini has created 20 blog entries.

The Language of Siri

In October 2020, the 18th edition of the Genova Popular Science Festival took place. In the context of this event, AILC presented on 22 and 23 October the dissemination workshop “Il linguaggio di Siri” (The language of Siri).

The activities presented aimed at introducing high school students to (computational) linguistics. The workshop focused on highlighting possibilities and limits of the computational representation and analysis of language, with interactive games, quizes, and concrete examples of computational modeling of linguistic problems.

The (online) workshop was attended by 5 classes from high schools from Genoa and its surroundings, for a total of about 150 people, including students and teachers. The feedback received will allow us to bring our scientific dissemination activities to a level that is increasingly suited to the needs and interests of students in the future.

The workshop was created by Ludovica Pannitto, Lucia Busso, Claudia Roberta Combei, Mirko Lai, Lucio Messina, and Malvina Nissim.

For a detailed analysis of the themes presented at the Festival, please refer to these slides (in Italian).

By |2020-10-27T11:37:47+01:0029 Apr, 2023|NEWS, POP NEWS|

Bid for Lectures on Computational Linguistics 2022

L’Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Computazionale (AILC) sollecita candidature per ospitare
l’edizione 2022 delle “Lectures on Computational Linguistics”.

Le Lectures sono una iniziativa annuale di AILC rivolta alla formazione nel campo della
Linguistica Computazionale, e sono il frutto di una stretta collaborazione con l’alta formazione in
Università, in particolare con le Scuole di Dottorato. Informazioni sul format delle Lectures e
sulle edizioni precedenti sono disponibili qui.
Le sedi che si intendono proporre dovranno presentare un documento contenente le seguenti

  • Gruppo organizzatore locale: indicare le persone coinvolte nell’organizzazione locale
    delle Lectures, inclusa una persona proposta per far parte del Comitato Scientifico delle
    Lectures per due anni; indicare precedenti esperienze dei local organizers
    nell’organizzazione di eventi di formazione.
  • Caratteristiche della Sede: indicare la posizione della sede, numero di sale disponibili
    con la relativa capienza, spazi per sessione poster, presenza di attrezzature audio-video,
    possibilità di pranzo in mensa per i partecipanti.
  • Scuola di dottorato e corsi universitari collegati alla sede: indicare la/le scuole di
    dottorato coinvolte nell’organizzazione, gli eventuali corsi di laurea interessati, e il
    corrispondente numero di studenti potenzialmente interessati alle Lectures.
  • Caratterizzazione scientifica della Sede: indicare la caratterizzazione della sede (sede a
    orientamento umanistico, orientamento informatico o misto); indicare eventualmente
    alcuni temi scientifici che la Sede ospitante intende proporre al Comitato Scientifico delle
    Lectures, nel caso la sede fosse selezionata.
  • Alloggi: indicare la disponibilità di alloggi, in particolare a costi contenuti, per es., se
    presenti, studentati e strutture universitarie di accoglienza.
  • Evento sociale: indicare possibilità e costi per una cena o altro evento sociale.
  • Trasporti: indicare i collegamenti (aereo, treni) per raggiungere la sede; mezzi di
    trasporto urbani con i tempi per raggiungere la sede.
  • Budget: indicare i costi stimati relativi alle sale, i costi della mensa, e eventuali altri costi
    fissi richiesti dalla sede ospitante.
  • Sponsorizzazioni: indicare eventuali sponsorizzazioni da parte di istituzioni universitarie
    (dipartimento, scuola di dottorato).
  • Date: indicare le date possibili delle Lectures (tre giorni) nel periodo maggio-giugno 2022.

La selezione della sede ospitante verrà effettuata, in seduta congiunta, dal Comitato Scientifico
delle Lectures e dal Consiglio Direttivo AILC.
Le candidature dovranno essere inviate per posta elettronica al Presidente AILC (Bernardo
Magnini – magnini@fbk.eu) e al Coordinatore del Comitato Scientifico delle Lectures (Elisabetta
Jezek – jezek@unipv.it) entro il giorno 8 ottobre 2021.
Contatti: Bernardo Magnini (magnini@fbk.eu) e Elisabetta Jezek (jezek@unipv.it)

By |2022-07-20T23:30:09+02:0016 May, 2021|BLOG, EDUCATION, EVENTS, NEWS|

Ghigliottin-AI at EVALITA 2020

In the framework of the EVALITA 2020 the Ghigliottin-AI task was organized. Ghigliottin-AI is the new edition of the NLP4FUN task organized for the fisrt time for EVALITA 2018, and its main aim is to be a competition open to Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems able to solve “La Ghigliottina” game.

The Ghigliottin-AI task is inspired by the final game of the Italian TV show “L’Eredità”. This game has been chosen because it is an interesting test bench for the Artificial Intelligence systems focused on the semantic aspects of natural languages: the solution of the game is based on the relationship between the clues and the solution word. For example, given the set of clues conoscere (to know), grado (degree), modello (model), ideale (ideal) and divina (divine) the solution is perfezione (perfection) because conoscere alla perfezione (to perfectly know), grado di perfezione (degree of perfection), modello di perfezione (model of perfection), ideale di perfezione (ideal of perfection) and perfezione divina (divine perfection).

The event will take place on  December, 17 at 10 o’clock: the task will be presented and some champions of the TV game will compete against the two systems that took part in the Ghigliottin-AI task, namely Il Mago della Ghigliottina and GUL.LE.VER on the Ghigliottiniamo platform.

The task has been organized by:

  • Pierpaolo Basile and Lucia Siciliani – Department of Computer Science, University of Bari Aldo Moro
  • Johanna Monti, Federico Sangati and Antonio Pascucci , UNIOR NLP Research Group, University of Naples “L’Orientale”
  • Marco Lovetere, Ghigliottiniamo

More information about the task is available at https://ghigliottin-ai.github.io/

By |2021-09-21T07:56:25+02:0015 Dec, 2020|EVENTS, NEWS|

Postponement of the 2020 Lectures on Computational Linguistics

On behalf of the Scientific and Organization Committee we would like to inform you that given the ongoing public health emergency the 2020 edition of the Lectures on Computational Linguistics of the Italian Association of Computational Linguistics scheduled for the 6th-8th of May at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” has been postponed to a date to be determined.

The new date will be communicated as soon as possible.

By |2020-03-17T15:13:21+01:0017 Mar, 2020|NEWS|

AILC is in BergamoScienza!

Bergamo Scienza 2019

As a part of the XVII edition of the “Bergamo Scienza” scientific dissemination festival, AILC organized a workshop entitled “Do not say málvísindi if you do not have it in the bag”, aimed at boys and girls from the eighth grade upwards, to approach them to (computational) linguistics.

The intent of the laboratory is to provide concrete and tangible examples of computational modeling of linguistic problems, which highlight the possibilities and limitations related to the analysis and representation of language: through the solution of various puzzles, participants and participants will be challenged with Markov chains, analyzing syntactic and automatic translation, arriving at the solution of a thorny enigma.

The Laboratory was conceived and organized by Lucia Busso, Ludovica Pannitto and Roberta Combei.

By |2020-04-02T12:39:06+02:0019 Sep, 2019|NEWS, POP NEWS|

ACL 2019 in Florence!

The 57th edition of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2019) will take place in Florence from July 28th to August 2nd, 2019.

This is the firts time that ACL, the most important conference in our field, is hosted in Italy.
We are proud and honored: this result is a great opportunity for the whole community around AILC!

Bernardo Magnini
Simonetta Montemagni
Alessandro Lenci

By |2019-01-27T17:16:30+01:0010 Aug, 2017|NEWS|

The new AILC website

With the beginning of 2017 AILC inaugurates the new website.

If the website is the business card of the association, then AILC is very well presented. The new website is elegant, informative and easy to navigate, and its colors evoke the roots of the Italian community. The logo itself hints at both the linguistic and the computational aspects that AILC intends to represent.

I think we have achieved the ideal balance between the need to introduce ourselves as a scientific community and the need to adapt to more modern communication styles, which have been “suggested” by the AILC industrial partners.
In this regard, I would like to emphasize how the social element has been enhanced, notably thanks to the AILC blog, a tool meant to give space to reflections, comments, and exchanges of opinion on the many hot topics in computational linguistics.

Soon we will also add safer and more effective procedures for the member registration and for on-line credit card payments.

I hope that the new website will meet all of your expectations: please use it, that’s why we built it!

Greetings to everyone,

Bernardo Magnini

By |2017-05-04T12:31:20+02:005 Feb, 2017|NEWS|
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