IJCoL · Italian Journal
of Computational Linguistics

Vol. 2, n. 2 · December 2016

Special Issue on “NLP and Digital Humanities”

Editors: John Nerbonne, Sara Tonelli

Digital Humanities (DH) seeks to support research into Humanities disciplines using digital, computational techniques. While its exact definition is discussed often and may even be the subject of interesting debate (Vanhoutte, Nyhan, and Terras 2013),  DH certainly invites contribution from all Humanities disciplines. These include those where language does plays a primary role, such as linguistics and literature (studies) as well as history and philosophy, where language is not of central interest, but where archival material in textual form plays a central role. These constitute an enormous opportunity for contributions from computational linguistics (CL) as for the core aspects related to natural languages and texts.

The works presented in this special issue include both theoretical/ methodological and project-oriented research, all of which are characterised by a strong interdisciplinarity. The range of disciplines covered from a computational perspective include among others historical linguistics, past and contemporary political studies, translation studies, linguistic resources for Latin. Besides, even if this issue will appear in the ‘Italian journal of Computational Linguistics’, Italian is just one of the languages covered by the published works, showing an interest in multilinguality and language diversity that is usually less evident in the English-oriented CL community.
The list of accepted works shows this variety of topics and perspectives.


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Editorial Note
Introduction to the Special Issue on Digital Humanities of the Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics.
John Nerbonne, Sara Tonelli

CLARIN, the European Infrastructure of Linguistic Resources for the Humanities and Social Sciences and its Italian Network CLARIN-IT
Monica Monachini, Francesca Frontini

On Singles, Couples and Extended Families. Measuring Overlapping between Latin Vallex and Latin WordNet
Gian Paolo Clemente, Marco C. Passarotti

PaCQL: A new type of treebank search for the digital humanities
Anton Karl Ingason

Entities as Topic Labels: Combining Entity Linking and Labeled LDA to Improve
Topic Interpretability and Evaluability

Anne Lauscher, Federico Nanni, Pablo Ruiz Fabo, Simone Paolo Ponzetto

Fifty years of European history through the Lens of Computational Linguistics: the De Gasperi Project
Rachele Sprugnoli, Giovanni Moretti, Sara Tonelli, Stefano Menini

Voci della Grande Guerra: An Annotated Corpus of Italian Texts on World War I
Alessandro Lenci, Nicola Labanca, Claudio Marazzini, Simonetta Montemagni

The Traduco System in the Babylonian Talmud Translation Project
Andrea Bellandi, Davide Albanesi, Giulia Benotto, Emiliano Giovannetti