IJCoL · Italian Journal
of Computational Linguistics

Vol. 4, n. 2 · December 2018

Emerging Topics
at the Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (Part 2)

Editors: Roberto Basili, Simonetta Montemagni

The second issue of the fourth vol. of the Journal of Computational Linguistics (IJCoL), the Italian magazine promoted by the Italian Association of Computational Linguistics (AILC – www.ai-lc.it), published a miscellaneous volume that completes the collection of Emerging Topics of the Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (n. 4, vol. 1, 2018). Published in the first volume of the year: in particular, it collects a second set of research works with particularly promising results involved in the CLiC Conference -it 2017, held in Rome from 11 to 13 December 2017.

This set corresponds to a selection of contributions documenting the research in different areas, sometimes with interesting application effects, ranging from the study of Social Media, to stylometry and musicology, to arrive to modern approaches to lexical semantics and lexicography. The topics addressed are the basis of recent and interesting developments in computational linguistics, such as, for example, social computational science or digital humanities.


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Editorial Note
Roberto Basili, Simonetta Montemagni

E pluribus unum. Representing compounding in a derivational lexicon of Latin
Maria Silvia Micheli, Eleonora Litta

TWITTIRO’ – an Italian Twitter Corpus with a Multi-layered Annotation for Irony
Alessandra Teresa Cignarella, Cristina Bosco, Viviana Patti, Mirko Lai

Refining the Distributional Inclusion Hypothesis for Unsupervised Hypernym Identification
Ludovica Pannitto, Lavinia Salicchi, Alessandro Lenci

Designing a Methodology for Semantic Type Tagging of Argument Positions
Francesca Della Moretta, Anna Feltracco, Elisabetta Jezek, Bernardo Magnini

Facebook Reactions as Controversy Proxies: Predictive Models over Italian News
Angelo Basile, Tommaso Caselli, Flavio Merenda, Malvina Nissim

Stylometry and Automatic Attribution of Medieval Liturgical Monodies
Francesco Unguendoli, Giampaolo Cristadoro, Marco Beghelli